Accessibility Careers

The Peoria Park District works every day to evolve to meet the changing needs of our community!  What’s ParkPossible?  Anything that we can collectively think of!  On this page, you’ll find additional information on current projects/ideas/possibilities that we want to share and imagine with you, our PPD family.  Our goal is to be transparent with our information and provide updates as often as possible to keep you in the know!

We invite YOU to engage with us through this site to learn more about our work and to provide your feedback and ideas so that we create the best possible Peoria Park District.

As we dream together, we have to balance fun and fiscal responsibility; to continue to be bold and innovative while serving our users in the best possible ways; and to evolve and grow with our community. We very much look forward to the community conversation that is an essential part of our process.

Upcoming Opportunities for public input/discussion:

We invite you to join us each Friday at 10am for a 10 minute live Q&A with staff. You can pre-submit questions to us via Facebook or during the live in the comments!

The Park Board of Trustees has spent time since April talking about the potential impact of the proposed CO2 pipeline that will cut across the 61605 zip code.

Trustee Joyce Harant has championed a proposed resolution for the board to consider and vote on.  See the draft resolution here. CO2 memo and draft resolution 

As directed, the resolution was presented for review at the May 24, 2023 board meeting.  Public comment will be accepted up to and during the June 14, 2023, board meeting, at which time, trustees will vote on the adoption of the resolution.  At any time during this period, citizens and stakeholders may email written comments to

Thank you for your participation in this process!

Other Information:

If you have any other questions about ongoing projects, please contact us here!

To see a list of all of our projects currently out to bid, please click here!

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